HPC-Europa3 offers a well-established and successful mechanism for fostering collaborative research, building cross-national collaborations, and allowing computational scientists to contribute to the skills development of junior researchers and/or researchers from countries with limited access to HPC facilities. All this is not achievable by one institution working alone and will undoubtedly reinforce the active collaboration between HPC centres and scientific communities.
This action, on the other hand, cannot act in isolation from the European HPC panorama as a whole, which is populated by several initiatives each working, at different levels and with different final goals, towards a shared objective of structuring and reinforcing a European vision, implementation and provision of HPC. This Networking Activity (NA) aims to work on the enlargement of the user community not only by involving research teams from a larger number of countries, but also by connecting with other research initiatives and groups.
An additional focus is to foster the HPC culture for SMEs. The network of host centres extends to labs with strong technical-engineering characterizations and expertise. This will lead, in the long term, to technology transfer actions with industries and SMEs. Specific marketing and publicity actions are foreseen to improve the awareness among SMEs of the opportunity given by HPC technologies and services, and to bring SMEs into a closer relationship with the use of HPC.
Currently active collaborations between HPC-Europa3 and other EU initiatives.
BioExcel Centre of Excellence is supporting academia and industry in the use of high-end computing in biomolecular research. Collaboration on visiting programme (both visitors and hosts) as well as on training and dissemination activities. http://bioexcel.eu/ |
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CompBioMed is a user-driven Centre of Excellence in Computational Biomedicine, to nurture and promote the uptake and exploitation of high performance computing within the biomedical modelling community. Collaboration on visiting programme (both visitors and hosts) as well as on training and dissemination activities. http://www.compbiomed.eu/ |
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E-CAM is a Europan Centre of Excellence for software development, training, and industrial discussion in simulation and modelling. Collaboration on visiting programme (both visitors and hosts) as well as on training and dissemination activities. https://www.e-cam2020.eu/ |
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ESiWACE stands for Centre of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe. A main goal of ESiWACE is to substantially improve efficiency and productivity of numerical weather and climate simulation on high-performance computing platforms by supporting the end-to-end workflow of global Earth system modelling in HPC environment. Collaboration on visiting programme (both visitors and hosts) as well as on training and dissemination activities. https://www.esiwace.eu/ |
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The Energy oriented Centre of Excellence in computing applications (EoCoE: read as “Echo”) uses the tremendous potential offered by the ever-growing computing infrastructure to foster and accelerate the European transition to a reliable low carbon energy supply using HPC (High Performance Computing). Collaboration on visiting programme (both visitors and hosts) as well as on training and dissemination activities. http://www.eocoe.eu/ |
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ETP4HPC is the European Technology Platform (ETP) in the area of High-Performance Computing (HPC). It is an industry-led think-tank comprising of European HPC technology stakeholders: technology vendors, research centres and end-users. The main task of ETP4HPC is to define research priorities and action plans in the area of HPC technology provision (i.e. the provision of supercomputing systems). We issue and maintain a Strategic Research Agenda as a mechanism to help the European Commission define the contents of the HPC Technology Work Programmes. We also act as the “one voice” of the European HPC industry in relations with the European Commission and national authorities. ETP4HPC was formed in October 2011. http://www.etp4hpc.eu/ |
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European Network on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation. Collaboration on visiting programme (both visitors and hosts) as well as on training and dissemination activities. https://www.hipeac.net/ |
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MaX (Materials design at the Exascale) is a user-focused, problem-oriented European Centre of Excellence. It works at the frontiers of the current and future High Performance Computing (HPC) technologies, to enable the best use and evolution of HPC for materials research and innovation. Collaboration on visiting programme (both visitors and hosts) as well as on training and dissemination activities. http://www.max-centre.eu/ |
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NOMAD, the Novel Materials Discovery Laboratory, is a European Centre of Excellence (CoE) which was established in fall 2015. Eight complementary research groups of highest scientific standing in computational materials science along with four high-performance computing (HPC) centers form the synergetic core of this CoE (see THE TEAM). This also reflects that the CoE is part of the Psi-k, CECAM, and ETSF communities. https://www.nomad-coe.eu/ |
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The Performance Optimisation and Productivity Centre of Excellence in Computing Applications provides performance optimisation and productivity services for academic AND industrial code(s) in all domains. Collaboration on visiting programme (both visitors and hosts) as well as on training and dissemination activities. https://pop-coe.eu/ |
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VI-SEEM aims at creating a unique Virtual Research Environment (VRE) in Southeast Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean(SEEM), with special focus on the scientific communities of Life Sciences, Climatology and Digital Cultural Heritage. Collaboration on visiting programme (both visitors and hosts) as well as on training and dissemination activities. https://vi-seem.eu/ |
For specific question or information on the NA
HPC-Europa3 NA Leader, KTH-PDC
Lilit Axner
lilit (at) kth.se