Amount of funding provided to visitors

For each visitor, besides the needed resources on the HPC system to run the research project, HPC-Europa3 covers travel (up to a reasonable limit) and subsistence expenses (including accommodation) at the hosting site. There is NO SALARY associated to the programme.

Accommodation may vary between centres and may consist of a single study-bedroom in a self-catering flat, sharing with other Transnational Access visitors.

Detailed information on the centre specific offering will be provided to each visitor as soon as the application is accepted.

Become an HPC-Europa3 host

Research departments that would like to become HPC-Europa3 hosts would need:

  • to be placed in one of the 9 countries of the HPC centres of the project (not necessarly in the same town of the HPC centre);
  • to work into a research area that can make use of HPC;
  • to be available to host from time to time researchers at their premises (meaning to provide a network connection, a desk and chair in an office where he/she can work effectively, access to departmental facilities (printers, etc.)).

Hosts are contacted for confirmation of availability when a potential visitor application is selected for support.

HPC resources needed to the visitor for his/her research will be provided by the country reference HPC centre.

If you would like to be listed as host in the HPC-Europa3 database, please get in contact with us at staff [at] hpc-europa.org.

Can SMEs participate to the programme?

SMEs are very welcome to be part of the HPC-Europa3 programme:

  • SMEs employers are eligible for the Transanational Access programme as long as they have research project needing HPC resource to apply for; 
  • SMEs can act as hosts for visitors. 

In both cases, the only requirement is for visitors to be able to make public summary of the work carried out during the visit.