Scientific hosts

HPC-Europa3 visitors can work closely with a "host" research group working in a similar field of research. Please remind that the host and the HPC centre providing the computational resources should be located in the same country.

In our experience, HPC-Europa visits are most successful when there is a close match between the research interests of the visitor and the host. So, even before the application is submitted, visitors are encouraged to identify at least one host researcher in one of our associated organisations and to establish contact with the potential host to discuss the project details. 

To assist in this task, we maintain a list of associated host institutions: many research groups are already associated with the programme as "host" research groups, but new ones can join at any time; SMEs are welcome to participate too.

Any researchers can enter HPC-Europa3 host database simply by registering on the online system here.

To help applicants in finding the best host matched we maintain also a public and searchable page here