Post-visits obligations

HPC-Europa3 team asks each visitor to fulfill some obligations at the end of the visit.

Within one month after the end of your stay, you have to submit:

  • an abstract of your project (250-400 words), to be delivered to the EC and to be made public on the project website, including two sections: objectives and main achievements including difficulties encountered,
  • the HPC-Europa3 questionnaire aimed for our internal quality control,
  • an EC questionnaire available on the EC website regarding your stay during your HPC-Europa3 visit.

After the end of your visit and possibly within 4 months after it, we kindly ask you also to submit:

  • a short paper (max 1 page), in order to report the work performed during your stay. It will be published in the HPC-Europa3 project directory, and
  • one or more relevant images of your work.

Templates and/or forms for each of the above are available in the online system under the "Applications" menu. If you select under "approved appls" the one for which you have completed the visit, you will find the list of the contractual obligations with the related information (if you have problems with your login or password please feel free to contact us).

When you publish anything related to the work you carried out during your visit, we kindly ask you to acknowledge the HPC-Europa3 project funding and also to upload the reference to the published paper using the text below:

"The work has been performed under the Project HPC-EUROPA3 (INFRAIA-2016-1-730897), with the support of the EC Research Innovation Action under the H2020 Programme; in particular, the author gratefully acknowledges the support of [name and department of your host] and the computer resources and technical support provided by [name of HPC centre]."

In presentation at conferences or other events, we encourage you to mention verbally the project support and to add the logo of the project and the EU flag.