Awarded projects
All our applicants are kindly ask to provide us a summary of the results of their research project.
The abstracts are publicly available at this page.
If you are interested to look at possible research areas funded by the programma, you can search and/or browse the online abstracts.
In the first 18 months HPC-Europa3 has supported 204 visits from 48 different countries. Projects are spanning multiple fields of science with most of them concerning either physics or chemistry but also other fields are well represented.
Success stories
Read the success stories from our visitors!
- Team up and get creative!
- First SME to host a HPC-Europa3 visitor
- Visits to CSC: success story
- Visits to KTH: success story
- Visits to GRNET: success story
- Visits to EPCC: success story
Visitors experiences
- P Ferrari from Belgium to BSC
- A Iravani from Austria and Juris Vencels from Latvia to CSC
- V Deringer from Cambridge to CSC
- F Gent decided to stay in Finland after a visit
- A Aarva continues the collaboration started by Volker Deringer at CSC
- E Coronado from University of Santiago de Compostela to EPCC
- AJ Gallego from University of Alicante to EPCC
- MR Ferrández from University of Almería to EPCC
- D Capasso from University Federico II to UCL
- M Simmermacher from University of Denmark to EPCC
- M Mužević from Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osije to University of Cardiff
- A Mirò from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya to STFC Daresbury Laboratory
- M Lepšík from Czech Academy of Sciences to University of Leeds
- PC Cañizares from Complutense University of Madrid to EPCC
- G Negro from University of Bari to University of Edinburgh
- A Bobrick from Lund University to EPCC
- SK Mondal from Jadavpur University to EPCC
- F Romero López from University of Valencia to EPCC
- G Inchingolo from University of Bologna to EPCC
- G Giuntoli from Barcelona Supercomputing Center to EPCC
- E van Dongen from ETH Zürich to EPCC
- M Maroñas from Barcelona Supercomputing Center to EPCC
- N Sieffert from Université Grenoble Alpes & CNRS to EPCC
- G Utrera Iglesias from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya to EPCC
- L Reali from University of Milan to EPCC
- J Fernández Muñoz from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid to EPCC
- EE Coronado Barrientos from University of Santiago de Compostela to EPCC
- C Cozza from University of Catanzaro to EPCC
- M Rincon Bonilla from Basque Center for Applied Mathematics to EPCC
- G Hantal from University of Vienna to EPCC
Visitors interviews
- G Nikoulis from Aristotle University Thessaloniki to CSC
- F Zuo from Delf University of Tehcnology to EPCC
- M Ruiz Ferrandez from University of Almeria to EPCC
- M Maroñas from Barcelona SuperComputing Centre to EPCC
- D Gustin from Università degli Studi di Trieste to EPCC
- S Rampino from Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa to EPCC
- M Simmermacher from Technical University of Denmark to EPCC
- A Surapaneni from University TU Delft to BSC
- AJ Gallego Sánchez from University of Alicante to EPCC
- M Yi from Norwegian University of Science and Technology to EPCC
- F Marchetti from Italian National Research Council to EPCC
- F Gent from Aalto University to EPCC
- A Pulakka from University of Turku to EPCC
- AM Montero from University of the Basque Country to EPCC
- M Mužević from University of Osijek to EPCC