The programme has ended!

The HPC-Europa3 programme has ended in April 2022.

The consortium thanks all visitors, hosts and the Scientific User Selection Panel for the continuous support over the last years.

We will update the web page and socials if new opportunities for calls opening will arise in the future, so stay tuned on our social channels!


What HPC-Europa3 is about

HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access programme offers:

  • access to world-class HPC systems to academic and industrial researchers
  • scientific collaboration with host researchers in any field
  • technical support by the HPC centres
  • travel and living expenses reimbursed

HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access programme goals are:

  • more than 1098 visitors supported in the next four years
  • about 100 million CPU hours offered

COVID-19 outbreak

Submitted by admin on Mon, 03/23/2020 - 07:49

We feel the need to update all of you about the impact that the COVID-19 pandemia might have on the HPC-Europa3 visiting programme.

First of all, we would like to re-assure our current visitors that each HPC centre is closely monitoring the situation in each country and taking the necessary measures to help with unexpected shortening or prolongation of the visits.